Climate change is here

The rising man-made emissions have pushed the global climate deeper into uncharted territory. Images of flooded streets in Texas, US are mirrored by scenes of inundated communities in India and Bangladesh, the recent mudslides in Sierra Leone and last month’s deadly overflow of a Yangtze tributary in China. In part, these calamities are seasonal. In part, the impact depends on local factors. But scientists tells that such extremes are likely to become more common and more devastating as a result of rising global temperatures and increasingly intense rainfall.
Our planet is in an era of unwelcome records. As per the finding of scientists for each of the past three years, temperatures have hit peaks not seen since the birth of meteorology, and probably not for more than 110,000 years. Climate change is increasingly becoming reality and it is having devastating effect across the world. In Arunachal too the amount of rainfall received during monsoon has increased. With each passing year the monsoon is creating more mayhem and is causing large scale devastation. Due to swell in human population the forest area is fast depleting. This is one of the main reasons for climate change. The state government in particularly forest department needs to make more effort towards conserving the rich natural resources. The citizens also have to play their part and stop destruction of forest resources.