The farmer’s agitation against three farm laws seems to have deeply worried the ruling BJP government. The agitation, which started two months ago, refuses to die down despite several attempts made by the government to bring it down.
After the violence witnessed on Republic Day, the government is behaving desperately. In the last few days concerted effort is being made to target the journalists, opposition leaders and activists.
The FIRs were filed across three BJP-ruled states against Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, India Today journalist Rajdeep Sardesai, National Herald’s senior consulting editor Mrinal Pande, Qaumi Awaz editor Zafar Agha, The Caravan magazine’s editor and founder Paresh Nath, its editor Anant Nath and executive editor Vinod K. Jose, and editor of The Wire SiddharthVaradarajan.
Journalist Mandeep Punia was arrested from Singhu border while on reporting duty. On Saturday night, the Delhi police also filed a similar case against the journalists.
The witch hunting of journalists has been followed by Twitter blocking some 250 accounts following a request allegedly made by law enforcement agencies.
The accounts that have been blocked include one belonging to the Caravan magazine, CPM leader Mohammad Salim’s account, and those that appear to belong to the Kisan Ekta Morcha, the Bharatiya Kisan Union’s Ekta Ugrahan and some AAP MLAs have also been blocked. This is a serious breach of the freedom of speech and expression. The government is deliberately targeting those who dare to question them.
Many of the supporters of the ruling regime including prominent names have been found sharing misinformation in social media and also on national TV. Their provocative statements have caused social unrest in the past but no action is initiated against such people. It seems like gradually India is entering into the era of dictatorship. There is a need to strongly fight back the attempt to muzzle the voice of journalists, activists and opposition leaders.