Vacancies decided by expansion plan: ArSRLM

ITANAGAR, 3 Sep: Reacting to the report headlined ‘Induction outnumbers posts…’, etc, which was published in the Saturday edition of this daily, the Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ArSRLM) said that the number of vacancies in the ArSRLM is decided as per its plan of expansion.

“This year, our target was to cover 103 blocks. To cope up with the target allotted, a total of 308 vacancies were to be filled up. Now, given the recruitment process that ArSRLM practices, beginning from conducting aptitude test, followed by group discussion, personal interview and rural attachment test, which take two to three months approximately, it would have been a Herculean task for ArSRLM to conduct another round of recruitment to fill up 308 vacancies at once within a short span of time,” the ArSRLM state mission manager (HR) stated in a release.

“Hence, it was imperative on our part to apprise the state government about this and ask it to consider that there is a big waitlist that can be leveraged where also only competent professionals based on entire recruitment process are there for the process of being inducted. The competent authority agreed in this regard at the highest level,” the release added.