One of the BJP’s highly controversial MPs, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, has been dropped from the list of candidates for this year’s Lok Sabha election. The BJP has instead named his son Karan Bhushan Singh as its candidate from Uttar Pradesh’s Kaiserganj. The announcement, made on Thursday afternoon, puts a lid on the speculation surrounding the Kaiserganj seat and its high-profile MP. The announcement is strange in many ways. It destroys the BJP’s anti-dynastic political stand. Often the saffron party accuses Congress and other opposition parties of promoting dynastic politics in the country.
But now they have given a ticket to the son of a controversial MP. This is often a display of dynastic politics. The president of the Wrestling Federation of India for over a decade, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh hit headlines early last year when the country’s top wrestlers, including Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, and Sakshee Malikkh, accused him of sexually harassing women wrestlers and staged a massive protest in the national capital. Singh has denied the allegations. The case against him is pending before a Delhi court. Despite several top women wrestlers alleging him of sexual harassment, no strong step was taken against by BJP. Now, by giving a ticket to his son, besides promoting dynastic politics, the saffron party has completely ignored the sexual harassment allegation against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. This is unfortunate and will have a discouraging effect on women who raise their voice against powerful sexual predators.