LPG and forest conservation


Human greed is the main reason for destruction of forest and de-forestation of entire environment. Again, the human also became concerned about the devastating consequences of de-forestation. Thus, cumulative efforts of various small groups/entities are significantly visible in maintaining forest and to keep the earth greener.

The governmental effort on afforestation and preservation of forest is significant. Its financial and technical support to various NGOs/ entities and forest lovers for awareness on preservation of forest is immense.

However, it is worthy to mention that the role of LPG Gas Agencies in this regard is immense especially, in forest rich hilly areas like Arunachal Pradesh. Entire Arunachal was dependent on wood-based fuel for kitchen requirements. LPG gas agencies could successfully stop this dependency by providing LPG gas. Now, trees are not felled for kitchen reasons and therefore saved the forest to a substantial extent. Ironically, no one noticed and recognized this contribution of the Gas Agencies for preservation of forests and environment. The government never came with a word of appreciation for the gas agencies – less to say about financial and technical aid to them especially on forest preservation.

Tawang Gas Agency is one of such entities located in Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Tawang Gas Agency having an existence of a quarter century in Tawang district provided an un- imaginable amount of contribution on forest conservation. The quantum can be established by a technical and genuine survey and assessment.

Being in Tawang for several years and having association with Tawang Gas Agency, I personally feel that the agency transformed the entire community from traditional wood-based kitchen to LPG based ones and saved thousands of trees from felling.

Therefore, my immense desire is that the govt should provide due recognition to the LPG agencies and also to provide them necessary assistance to encourage in forest conservation in other innovative ways.

Dipak Ranjon Deb,
