Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Tuesday announced that Staff Selection Board (SSB) will start the recruitment process from December onwards to fill up the vacant posts of Group C staff. The decision of state government to constitute SSB to conduct recruitment examinations for Group C staff has been overwhelmingly welcomed by the people of state. There is massive expectation that SSB will finally put an end to the corrupt culture of buying government jobs.
However the state government should be careful while implementing this whole new system. Infact they should learn few lesson from the constant mess created by Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSCE) while conducting various competitive examinations. Most of the exams conducted by the commission including the prestigious civil service are grappled by controversies. Several people have pointed out the fault in the way commission conducts exam and also the faulty method of selecting the members of commission. Therefore government should be extra cautious with SSB. Today there are thousands of people working in various departments who have been illegally appointed. Most of these people are not properly trained and have become burden on state government. Hopefully SSB will help to select highly skilled and talented people in the government sector. Further the state government should also look into the issues concerning APPSC. The commission needs to be revamped in order to make it more efficient.