The witch hunt against media houses that refuse to tow the line of the ruling establishment has gone to another level with the detention of NDTV founders Radhika and Prannoy Roy at the Mumbai airport on Friday. They were reportedly going to South Africa for a holiday but were prevented from going out of the country, based on a notice issued by the CBI in regard to a corruption case filed by the agency over an ICICI loan availed by the Roys. The CBI reportedly did not inform the court, where the matter is sub judice, or the Roys, about Friday’s action. This is absolute strangulation of the media freedom.
The BJP regime at the Centre has been constantly harassing media house owners who refuse to accept the party’s dictates, using various central agencies. The journalists and media house owners who still continue to work independently are regularly harassed by the regime. The BJP and the Sangh Parivar at large have always been against NDTV for espousing liberal values. In fact, in the present times, when the entire media, barring a few, have become extended mouthpieces of the ruling establishment, it is organizations like NDTV which are still playing the role of real media, which is to question those in power. Therefore it was not a big surprise to see Radhika and Prannoy Roy being harassed. This kind of intimidating tactic used to silence the media is against the democratic norms of the country. It should be strongly protested by everyone who values liberal ideas.