The Special Investigation Cell (SIC) on Monday made another arrest in the multi-crore Trans-Arunachal Highway (TAH) compensation scam. This time, Agriculture Development Officer (ADO) Toko Tath has been arrested. He has become the sixth person to be arrested in connection with the TAH scam.
The SIC, under the leadership of SP M Harsha Vardhan, has been making good progress in this particular case, especially with the arrest of several people. Also, it is not surprising that most of the persons arrested in this case, barring one, are government employees, which includes the former deputy commissioner of Lower Subansiri district.
They have been alleged of preparing fake bills and siphoning the compensation money. The actual beneficiaries were deprived because of the nexus between government employees and few high-profile people with political connections.
It is also believed that several top politicians are involved in the TAH scam. The state government should give free hand to the SIC to arrest all of them. No one should be given patronage by the government.
Further, the arrest of many government employees in the TAH scam is a lesson for every Arunachalee, especially for government servants. It is also time the government employees introspect and look where things are going wrong. Day-by-day, they are losing respect and trust of the people because of the unearthing of so many scams.
Unfortunately, even the sincere and dedicated employees are facing the wrath of the public. Therefore, the state government should identify these sincere employees and reward them with better postings and positions. This will help boost their morale and also curb corruption.