Decision in right direction

The decision of state cabinet to scrap the no-detention policy in schools and also the restoration of board examinations for class V and VIII in all schools of the state is a decision in right direction. It will definitely help to improve the quality of education in the state. Under the present provision of the RTE Act, students are promoted automatically to higher classes till class VIII even if they fail. This system has deeply impacted the quality of education in the state. Especially the performance of government schools in CBSE exams has drastically come down after the implementation of no detention policy. The purpose of this policy was mainly to check the dropout rate. But the result clearly shows that it has not served its purpose.
UPA government had adopted the said policy drawing inspiration from the education system followed in Western countries. This policy has been successful in the west because they have the infrastructure and there is less pressure on teachers. Now that a decision has been taken to scrap the no detention policy, state government need to frame proper policy to improve the quality of education and also help the students to improve their performance in the exams. Schools must offer bridge courses to the slow learners, but there is little focus on that. Classes with large student strength also make it difficult for teachers to offer extra care and pay attention to slow learners. The situation is worse in government schools where hundreds of students are packed together in one classroom. Often many of them do not even get a place to sit. Govt need to keep these problems in mind and try to improve the scenario.