The Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Monday launched an attack on BJP alleging it of gaining power illegally in Meghalaya. Congress despite emerging as the single largest party by winning 21 seats failed to form government. NPP leader Conrad Sangma is all set to become CM after smaller parties and independent MLAs backed his candidature. Rahul Gandhi’s attack on BJP lacks credibility as Congress has to blame itself for the loss it suffered in Meghalaya and also in Tripura and Nagaland. Mr Gandhi himself did not properly campaign during the election.
He never visited Nagaland during the campaigning period. Showing lack of interest Mr Gandhi arrived in Tripura on the last day of campaign. Even in Meghalaya he did not campaigned extensively. Congress leaders never exhibited the willingness to win election. Their leaders including top leadership were found wanting during the whole campaigning period. On the other hand BJP leaders were all over the region. Its north east in charge Ram Madav has been camping in region for the last one year preparing blue print for the election. Congress should learn that election is not won in a day or two. It takes months to plan for successful campaign. Instead of alleging BJP of usurping power in Meghalaya, Rahul Gandhi and Congress should introspect and figure out where things are awfully going wrong for them.