The result of bypoll in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar has come as huge shock for the ruling BJP. In Uttar Pradesh, main opposition Samajwadi Party has won both Phulpur and Gorakhpur Lok Sabha by-elections. In Bihar, RJD has retained Araria Lok Sabha and Jahanabad assembly by-polls while BJP retained Bhabhua assembly seat. However it is result of UP which have caused major storm in the Indian political circle. In Gorakhpur, SP candidate Praveen Nishad has wrested the seat from BJP. This seat was vacated by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who represented it 5 times. BJP has not lost an election in Gorakhpur since 1989.
Phulpur seat was also vacated by Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya. The defeat of BJP in seats vacated by CM and his deputy is staggering. No one thought Samajwadi party backed by BSP will win both the seats. The result will definitely make opposition parties to re-think their election strategy for 2019. It shows that fighting as united alliance will benefit SP, BSP, Congress and other smaller parties. Though BJP may have lost Phulpur and Gorakhpur Lok Sabha by-elections, the opposition cannot write them off. BJP is still a formidable force and in Prime Minister Narendra Modi they have a charismatic leader to lead them into 2019. On the other hand opposition does not have a credible leader to take on Mr Modi. Congress president Rahul Gandhi is still no match for Mr Modi. Allies as well as people of India are still not convinced of his leadership. Therefore opposition parties are left with no choice but to stitch together alliance in order to take on might of Modi and BJP.