The initiative of East Kameng Social Welfare & Cultural Organization (EKSWCO) to streamline the functioning of government higher secondary school (GHSS), Seppa is praiseworthy and should be supported by everyone. On Tuesday EKSWCO held meeting with parents and teachers of the said school and took several major decisions to improve the academic performance. Their decision to emphasize on maintaining strict rules and regulations in the school is need of the hour. In this year’s CBSE examinations, the performance of government run schools has been very poor. It may be unfair to blame everything on shortage of teachers.
This could be one of the factors but there are several other reasons for poor result. But unfortunately no one especially students unions are talking about the issues, like the lack of discipline among students. Over the year, the relations between teacher and student have deteriorated especially in the government schools. This has affected the performance of students in the examinations. The student’s behaviors towards teachers are changing. The awe and respect that teaching community once enjoyed is no more seen in present time. Incidents of intimidation and also that of physical attack on teachers have been reported from various parts of state. Infact the government schools are notorious for failing to maintain rules and regulations. But intervention of NGOs like EKSWCO will definitely have positive impact. There is need to create healthy atmosphere so that both teachers and students enjoy being in the school campus. Civil society bodies and NGOs should extend support to the schools in this regard. Let schools remain a place of learning.