Daily Archives: August 28, 2018

Swachh Bharat summer prog interns felicitated

ITANAGAR, Aug 27: The NSS unit of Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) organized an 'experience sharing and certificate distribution programme' here on Monday for Swachh...

IS SC/ST immortal?

Quota In Perpetuity By Poonam I Kaushish Indians are succors for tamasha and trust our politicians to convert reservation into a big circus. Last week the...

The other side of the coin

Dear Editor, This letter is to enlighten fellow Arunachalees about the other side of coin, pole opposite of what commerce students are claiming. I believe in...

Come up with answer key

Dear Editor, Its been almost 1 month since APPSC conducted its APPSCCE prelims on 29 July. From the very first day, aspirants from various subjects...

Give them VRS

Dear Editor, APPSC has become a big joke, playing with the lives of many students. Expert should be appointed in the Commission and the present...

Self centered claims

Dear Editor, Through the column of your esteemed daily we would like to draw the kind attention of the APPSC and other public authorities to...