Unanswered, unsure

Dear Editor,
7AM: A fresh copy The Arunachal Times slides under the door. The newspaper-boy hums away in his own world of daily beginnings. But little does he know that the paper he just delivered might just be the last straw to break the camel’s back. After having a long night of flipping through theories, policies, thoughts , waking up to a whole another world of pain is not what I bargained for and dragged into a fight that I didnot ask for- ” qualified vs the unqualified”.
But the irony is that the cause of the whole issue is smirking away somewhere enjoying the tussle between the two sides who never wanted a fight in the first place, waiting to act. Well “waiting” aint good enough.
” To be or not to be ” – a situation the current scenario of things have put everybody in – aspirants , non aspirants alike. It is in some way affecting everybody. The students who are still in colleges waiting for the next notification for the exams will sure have an unsettled feeling of “what if” – what if I cleared prelims and never get to write the mains? What if I have to select the correct answers to questions from a question paper pasted with typos, no correct options? Would I still be selected?? What if the whole drama unfolds again ?
So , unanswered, unsure of my fate and edging on frustration, I haven’t yet lost all hope on the commission , I return back to my small 4×5 overpriced rental of Itanagar hoping that I can see light at the end of the tunnel. The only question that lingers at the back of my head and many like me, will I be robbed of my hopes, dreams, aspiration?
Qualified yet unsure aspirant