Appointment in subordinate courts

Dear Editor,
This is regarding recruitment of various posts in the subordinate courts of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Gauhati High Court, Itanagar Permanent Bench under the jurisdiction of the District & Session Court East Division Tezu, and West Division Yupia had advertised the recruitment of various posts such as Sheristadar, Stenographer-Il, Peshkar, UDC, LDC, Driver, Process Server and Office Peon on 18th February, 2018.
In continuation to above recruitment, the written examination was held successfully for all the posts w.e.f 8th July 2018 to 12th August 2018 at various centres.
The result is being awaited.
Further, it is saddening to inform that the marks weightage was unfairly distributed 25 marks for viva-voice against maximum written examination of 100 marks which is a high as l/4th.
The question papers for all posts were easy to medium. The majority of candidates expected to secure fine marks in all subjects.
Now, the competition is largely dependent on viva-voice/interviews. There are high chances of nepotism during interviews as it has always been observed in State of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Prime Minister of India in his address to the nation on 15 august, 2015 stressed the discontinuation of holding interviews for recruitments of junior level posts.
The Department of personnel, GOI on the basis of recommendation made by the committee of secretaries has already taken a decision to discontinue interviews for Group C & D .
The matter was also taken up with the State Governments/UTs to undertake similar exercise and in compliance many States Governments have implemented the decision.
Some of the Departments of Arunachal Pradesh have also implemented decision and recruitments were done without viva-voice/interviews.
In view of the above, it is requested to you to issue necessary direct to quash viva-voice and declare result on basis of written examinatlon or to reduce the mark weightage of viva-voice from 25 marks to 10 marks which were adopted during earlier recruitments under jurisdiction of Gauhati High Court in Arunachal Pradesh and other States.
A candidate