Dear Editor,
I would like to request the APPSC to kindly extend the APPSCCE Mains -2017 date as a moral responsibility towards the geography set-c candidates who were included in the qualified list quite late. This is very important because we, the geography set-c candidates went through a lot of mental trauma because of human errors committed by APPSC. And only after much delay the APPSC rectified their mistake and we were finally included in the qualified list. Had it not been for our consistent effort, we would have been left out wondering our whole life what actually went wrong. Although, we have now come over those frustrating and depressing phase, we were left with very less time as we were included in the qualified list quite late. Those who have appeared in this examination earlier might not face much difficulty but for those who are appearing for the first time in this prestigious exam, its extremely difficult to manage such a vast syllabus.
The date given by APPSC is cruel and unjustified for us. We were made to suffer earlier for no fault and now we are made to suffer again as it is impossible for us to prepare at such a short time. Therefore, we believe the least the APPSC can do to rectify its mistake is to give us sufficient time so that we can prepare at par with others. We sincerely believe that the APPSC is prudent enough to understand our case and will do its best to ensure that no one is put to a disadvantaged position and each gets a level playing field.
An aspirant