The uncertainty continues to loom large over Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination. In latest a group of candidates have filed a petition in the Itanagar permanent bench of the Gauhati High Court seeking clarification from APPSC over allegation of anomalies in the prelims examination. Earlier the commerce candidates had also filed writ petition seeking redress of their grievances. The whole problem started after the prelims exam conducted in November 2017 was cancelled due to several complaints.
The commission re-conducted the exam but it opened floodgates for the candidates to seek re-examinations every time if there are some anomalies. Now they are virtually struggling to conduct examinations. Apart from civil service, the commission has been assigned task to conduct several other competitive examinations by various departments. They are miserably failing to conduct these exams on time. In the last decade, the examinations conducted by APPSC have often been shrouded in controversies. It’s high time that commission truly introspect and get its act together. Enough damage has been done to the prestigious body. The young generation looks upto APPSC but they has miserably failed them. If they constantly fail to conduct a controversy free competitive examination, how will they earn the trust of the youths? The commission should look for help from bodies like UPSC in order to set things in order. It is unfortunate that candidates are facing harrowing time due to ongoing certainty over mains exam. For the benefit of everyone commission should work out a solution at the earliest.