Over 100 villagers benefit from CRPF medical camp

DAPORIJO, Jan 9: A total of 160 villagers from Menga, Taliha, Dumporijo and Nacho areas benefitted from a free medical camp conducted by the 138th CRPF battalion, under its civic action programme at the battalion ground here in Upper Subansiri district on Wednesday.
Besides health check up, medicines were also distributed free of cost by doctors of the paramilitary force.
Solar light systems were also distributed to the bazaar secretary during the programme.
Attending the programme, MLA Dikto Yekar urged the villagers to keep their surroundings clean and hygienic for a disease-free environment.
CRPF officer Paras Nath spoke on the importance of the civic action program and on the need for cordial relationship between public and paramilitary forces, especially in the border areas.