Daily Archives: February 14, 2019

Conduct viva voice after general/assembly election

Dear Editor, I want to express my views about the recently declared AE CIVIL written result by APPSC. I am sincerely thankful to the commission...

Faith in APPSC

Dear Editor, Firstly, kudos to APPSC for declaring A.E (civil) result on time (though bit late). Correct ratio has been maintained.As its a election time...

Shortage in cooking gas

Dear Editor, While the Government of India has been pushing hard for a behavioral change in the living style of its citizen; one of such...

When system fails

Dear Editor, My heartfelt congratulations to all the candidates who successfully qualified for APPCS, A.E (civil) interview. The announcement of the most awaited result was...

Follow central pattern for engineer recruitment

Dear Editor, State A.E and JE exams should be conducted as per UPSC, ESE and SSC pattern and syllabus respectively. Engineers, specially civil, electrical and mechanical...