Ensure safety of women

The Arunachal Pradesh has witnessed 20 percent rise in crimes against women during the period from 2014 to 18. This was informed by the state police chief SBK Singh during a programme at DN College, Itanagar on Tuesday. Once considered to be very safe place for the women, the situation has changed badly over the years in the state. Crime against women especially young girl is rising at an alarming rate. Several cases of rape and molestation are being reported on regular interval. There is genuine need to address this concern at various levels.
The government as well as civil society bodies has to come together and tackle the issue. It is seen that no one take issues like women safety seriously in the state. The politicians also hardly care about it. Unfortunately the civil society groups especially the clan and tribe based are the worst ones. Often they are seen protecting the accused if the person is from the powerful background. Most of the time victim’s families are left alone to fight the battle. The state police department has also miserably failed the womenfolk. Rate of conviction is very low and accused usually go scot free. The state government always promises to work for the safety of women but their words never translates into action. This attitude has to change. The Arunachal Pradesh has large female population who are playing integral role in the development of state. It is the duty of government to make them feel protected.