Fix the backbone first

Good road infrastructure is the backbone of all-round development of any state. In the modern age of communication, it is almost impossible to bring in development in a mountainous state like Arunachal without proper road links in its remote districts and inaccessible areas. Hopefully, the people of Arunachal have realized the importance of good roads, and in some areas of the state, they are expressing their longing to have good roads and are also ready to donate their lands for the purpose without asking for compensation. It is an encouraging development, particularly for the state government.
However, the state is also facing a peculiar problem, particularly in development of road infrastructure, because of its soil conditions. The hilly terrains with unfavourable soil conditions result in escalation of project costs and lapses in meeting the scheduled time fixed for the completion of projects. Moreover, it is observed that road renovation after the rainy season every year adds to the woes of a resource-crunched state like Arunachal.
In a positive development, the PWD highway recently carpeted a stretch of the national highway in Papu Nallah with bituminous concrete mixed with plastic on a trial basis ‘to improve (the road’s) marshal stability and fatigue life, and to improve longevity and pavement performance,” according to the department.
It is expected that the department concerned will continue in its endeavour to build durable roads with proper planning, good design and good materials.