New Delhi, Sept 29 (PTI) Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai Wednesday addressed the ‘Strategic State Environment Ministerial Dialogue of C40 Cities’ and shared the measures being taken by the city government for sustainable development without compromising on environmental goals.
C40 Cities is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change.
The environment ministers of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal also addressed the meeting.
Officials said Rai shared the steps taken by the city government to “ensure sustainable development without compromising on environmental goals” and what it plans to do in the future.
On Thursday, Rai will hold a meeting with resident welfare associations, NGOs and eco-clubs in the city on the government’s pollution control measures.
The meeting will be held at the Delhi Secretariat, and senior officials of the Delhi Pollution Control Committee and the environment department will be in attendance, an official said.
“The minister will discuss the pollution control measures being taken by the government and seek feedback and suggestions from the RWAs and NGOs working in the sector,” he said.