Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is known for her pro-BJP stand and for always being in controversy, has again caused a massive stir by stating that India got its freedom in 2014 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power and what it got in 1947 after a decades-long struggle by freedom fighters was “bheekh” or handout. Ranaut, who was given the Padma Shri award by PM Modi’s government this month, was understood to have been referring to the BJP coming to power in 2014. The statement has raised a political storm with opposition parties hitting out at her. Even BJP MP Varun Gandhi lashed out at her.
The 34-year-old actress has been banned from microblogging platform Twitter over her incendiary right-wing commentary. She has spawned many a controversy in the past too. But her latest statement is an insult to the freedom fighters who made the supreme sacrifice for the nation. We got our freedom from the British empire after making a lot of sacrifices. Many lost lives and could not even enjoy being part of an independent India. How can Ranaut term the independence gained by making supreme sacrifice “bheekh”? She needs to apologize to the nation for insulting the freedom fighters. In a democratic country like India, she has every right to freely express her view and support any party or ideology. But she has no right to insult the freedom fighters who made ultimate sacrifice to gain independence for India.