Animal health camp organised

PODUMONI, 10 Feb: Fifty farmers benefitted from an animal health camp and input distribution programme under the TSP, organised by the ICAR’s Basar (Leparada)-based regional centre (RC) at Podumoni village in Namsai district on Thursday, in collaboration with the Namsai KVK.

During the programme, the RC’s horticulture scientist Dr Thejangulie Angami explained the scientific techniques of cultivating summer vegetables, and the importance of growing vegetables inside low-cost polyhouses, and the RC’s veterinary scientist Dr Doni Jini encouraged the farmers to “go for livestock production with the aim to double their income,” and enumerated the different medicines for livestock and poultry.

RC Head Dr LK Bhaishya advised the farmers to “focus on summer vegetables cultivation commercially to become self-sufficient while simultaneously increasing tribal farmers’ income through technologies developed by the ICAR.”

Inputs comprising cucurbits, okra, French bean, cowpea, amaranthus, brinjal, mahaphal (liquid organic micronutrient), mineral mixture, antibiotics, multivitamins and first aid for livestock and poultry were later distributed among the farmers.