7 Pakistanis arrested for alleged key role in migrant ship that sank off Greece, leaving 500 missing

ISLAMABAD, 21 Jun: Pakistani authorities said Wednesday they have arrested seven alleged key figures in a human trafficking ring following last week’s sinking of an overcrowded smuggling vessel off Greece that left more than 500 migrants missing, including Pakistanis.
Police told The Associated Press that the ring was engaged in smuggling Pakistanis into Europe and that the arrests took place over the last two days, as part of a government crackdown on traffickers.
Thirty other suspects were arrested over the past few days in Pakistan and were being questioned for their role in facilitating smuggling activities.
Police continued raids across the country on Wednesday, in an attempt to arrest all involved in the migrant ship disaster. Pakistan’s intelligence agencies are also helping local police in tracking smugglers who went underground.
Each of those who tried to make the perilous journey to Europe — hoping for a better life — paid the smugglers between $5,000 to $8,000, Pakistani authorities said.
The boat which capsized off the Greek coast — while carrying as many as 750 people — on June 14 is one of the worst migrant shipwr-ecks in the Mediterranean Sea. Only 104 men— Egypt-ians, Pakistanis, Syrians and Palestinians — survived and 82 bodies were recovered.
On Wednesday, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said efforts to dismantle trafficking rings would continue. He said Pakistan would seek the help of Interpol and other nations in tracking and arresting traffickers in hopes of preventing more tragedies at sea. (AP)