Conjunctivitis cases are spreading very quickly across the state. For now the worst affected districts are Longding, Tirap and parts of Papum Pare and the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR). However, there are reports that the viral conjunctivitis cases are spreading in other districts too. The three worst affected districts – ICR, Longding and Tirap – have taken precautions by closing down schools and issuing advisories. The decision to close down schools in the ICR (from nursery to Class 8) and in parts of Longding will definitely help to stop the spread of the viral conjunctivitis cases.
The children are the worst affected. Also, it tends to quickly spread among them in the schools. Considering the rapid increase in the number of cases across the state, the health department should constitute a team and depute it to the worst affected districts. These teams can help those in the districts. Also, there is a need for wide publicity to make people aware of conjunctivitis. One of the ways to stop it from spreading further is by making people aware of it. The people should be educated on how to keep oneself safe from it. The health department, along with the district administration, should gear up and make efforts to stop it from further spreading in the state.