Alarming rental practices of landlords adversely impacting students

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the alarming rental practices adopted by landlords in the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR), which are having a detrimental impact on students and residents alike. The exorbitant rent and exasperating security deposits are issues that warrant immediate attention and public discourse.
It is distressing to witness the unfortunate trend of landlords taking advantage of the housing demand among students and residents by imposing excessively high rental fees. This exploitation is placing an undue financial burden on the already struggling students who are attempting to secure quality education in the area.
Students are being forced to divert their focus from their studies to seek additional sources of income simply to afford their living expenses.
Moreover, the practice of demanding disproportionately high security deposits is exacerbating the financial strain on tenants. Such requirements are making it exceedingly difficult for tenants to manage their finances effectively, leading to a scenario where they are left with insufficient funds to meet other essential needs.
It is imperative that action be taken swiftly to rectify these unjust practices. Stringent regulations in the rental market are necessary to ensure that landlords act ethically and tenants are treated fairly. Guidelines should be established to govern rental fees and security deposit amounts, creating a balanced and just housing environment for all.
I implore the local authorities and the relevant governing bodies to investigate these thoroughly and take appropriate measures to address this issue. It is the collective responsibility of the society to uphold the principles of fairness and equity in all aspects of life, including housing. As a community, we must work together to bring about positive change and create a healthy environment by prioritising the wellbeing, growth and progress for every individual, especially for students, who are the backbone of our future society.
Therefore, let us join hands to create an environment that nurtures and empowers our students, paving the way for a truly progressive society.
A research scholar,
Rajiv Gandhi University