Appeal for tenancy regulation


I write to bring to the attention of the authorities concerned the pressing issue faced by the residents of the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR), particularly students and unemployed youths who have migrated in search of livelihood.

The exorbitant rent charges and security fees in the ICR have become an overwhelming burden for these individuals, making their struggle for a decent living even more challenging. The cost of living has skyrocketed, creating a situation where many find it difficult to sustain themselves.

I urge the government of Arunachal Pradesh to consider implementing a regulation on tenancy in the state’s capital region. A structured approach, similar to the tenancy acts in union territories like Delhi, would help in curbing arbitrary rent hikes and unreasonable security fees imposed on tenants.

Such a regulation would not only mitigate the financial strain on the residents but also contribute to creating a more just and equitable living environment. It is my sincere hope that the government takes prompt action to address this issue and ensures the wellbeing of the people in the ICR.

Ejum Riram,
