With 10 candidates belonging to the ruling BJP getting elected unopposed, the state will witness a contest in the remaining 50 assembly seats for the Arunachal legislative assembly. In most of the constituencies, it is a friendly fight among the NDA allies. The candidates who could not manage to get BJP tickets are contesting from NDA allies like NPP, PPA, etc. The Congress party suffered its biggest setback when its candidate for the Palin assembly constituency and one of the tallest leaders of the party, Takam Pario, switched sides to the BJP just ahead of filing of nominations.
But the party is still putting up a fight in several assembly constituencies. But it is going to be a big task for it to defeat the formidable BJP. Ultimately, the fight will be between candidates belonging to the BJP and some of its NDA allies. The voting will take place on 19 April. The next 15 days will witness intense campaigning in these 50 seats where the contests are happening. Now the onus lies with the candidates, their supporters, and the administration to ensure that a violence-free election is held. The Election Commission should keep an eye on higher sensitive constituencies where chances of violence remain high. Further, flow of money during the elections should be stopped. Let there be free and fair elections.