May the spirit of democracy guide us towards a brighter tomorrow


With the peaceful culmination of the adult franchise on April 19th, a sense of anticipation fills the air as we await the announcement of the winner from the three contesting candidates of our 32nd Rumgong Constituency ST Assembly. Regardless of the outcome, the elected leader will assume the mantle of responsibility to steer Rumgong towards a brighter future, and we, the people of this region, have cast our votes with the fervent hope for positive change.

Siang district, like many regions across Arunachal Pradesh, faces numerous challenges that have hindered its progress and development. The lack of adequate road connectivity, limited access to healthcare facilities, shortcomings in the education sector, and deficiencies in networking infrastructure are just a few among the myriad obstacles that need to be addressed urgently. The recent viral video titled “Arunachal’s voting challenge, Polling in tough terrain” serves as a poignant reminder of the formidable barriers posed by the absence of road connectivity in some villages of Siang district, underscoring the importance of overcoming these challenges for the effective functioning of democratic processes.

As the candidates await the verdict of the electorate, it is essential to acknowledge the collective aspirations of the people of Rumgong and Siang district at large. Our votes signify not just a selection of an individual leader but a mandate for progress and prosperity, a commitment to addressing the pressing issues that affect our daily lives. We entrust our elected representatives with the responsibility to champion our cause and advocate for the interests of the community.

On behalf of the 32nd Rumgong constituency, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all three candidates, urging them to uphold the principles of integrity, accountability and inclusivity in their pursuit of leadership. The journey ahead may be fraught with challenges, but it is through collaboration and collective effort that we can surmount these obstacles and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

As we await the dawn of a new era in Rumgong, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to building a resilient and prosperous community. Together, let us strive to bridge the gaps that divide us and forge a path towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Best of luck to the candidates, and may the spirit of democracy guide us towards a brighter tomorrow.

Obang Mize,

Jomlo Mongku

Siang district