Your one vote can change India’s future


As we can all see, our beloved nation, India, is under critical threat of becoming a dictatorship.

The media have been sold out; Manipur is still burning and PM Modi has done nothing to stop the violence; farmers have met with rubber bullets and teargas for demanding their rights; our Olympic wrestlers were beaten up for protesting against a rapist; ppposition leaders like Arvind Kejriwal and Hemant Soren have been jailed without any proof. Even Rahul Gandhi’s bank account has been sealed.

The Supreme Court judges are under pressure; the ED and the CBI have become puppets for the BJP’s washing machine; rapists are celebrated with garlands around their necks; all the corrupt and criminal leaders are in one party; the biggest scam in the history of India, the electoral bond scam, was hidden from the public.

We are the world’s largest democracy; hence, we must preserve what our freedom fighters fought for. Let’s not lose this legacy for a power hungry politician. It is very important that we the people of India wake up and take action before it’s too late.

We must vote for education, farmers, women’s rights, wrestlers, jobs, schools, Manipur, and Ladakh.

Vote for a leader who can give unscripted interviews.

Vote for a leader who has the courage to give press conferences; vote for a leader who does not give fake guarantees of jumlas; vote for a leader who is educated and humble; and most importantly, we must vote for democracy, and for India.

Remember, if India becomes a full dictatorship your voice will be silenced forever; social media will be fully controlled by the government; no protest on any issue will ever be allowed again; what you eat, what you wear and what you watch will all be controlled by the government; anyone who raises their voice will be jailed; India will become like North Korea.

But your one vote can change all this.

Jubel D’Cruz,
