Compensate candidates for typo errors in CSAT papers


Through your esteemed newspaper, I would like to bring to your attention a matter concerning the recent CSAT papers conducted by the APPSCCE. It has come to my notice that there are several typographical errors in the papers. While the APPSCCE acknowledged its mistake by providing grace marks for SET A Question numbers 32, 35 and 38, I would like to highlight that there are additional errors in Question numbers 63 and 72, where two answers were provided for a single question, according to official answer key published on commission’s website For Question 63, the official answer key lists both options A and C as correct. Similarly, for Question 73, both options B and C are marked as correct. These discrepancies have caused confusion among candidates.

Those candidates who refrained from attempting these questions due to the confusion caused by multiple answers have been unfairly disadvantaged. I request the APPSCE to consider compensating for this oversight and to provide a fair resolution for those affected. Transparency and fairness are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the examination process.

An aspirant