Finally the state police have woken up to the danger of fake news being circulated on social media, especially on WhatsApp and Facebook. The police recently issued advisories to WhatsApp and Facebook users and group administrators regarding dos and don’ts amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In the recent months there have been increasing instances of people sharing fake news on FB and WhatsApp related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of these fake messages created fear and confusion among the people. Therefore, in this context, it is appropriate on the part of the police to issue advisories to check the misuse of social media forums.
However, the police should not use it as a pretext to target or harass citizens. There is always the possibility of misuse by the government to target independent and opposition voices. So the police should be careful while taking action against any individual. The citizens also need to play their part and remain vigilant. Any person forwarding or sharing fake news should be reported to the police. They can also break the chain by raising red flags against fake news and urging people who are sharing it to stop from continuing to do so. In a highly sensitive tribal state like ours, fake news can lead to breakdown of law and order. Everyone should remain alert and stop the spread of rumour and fake news in the greater interest of the state.