YACHULI, 27 Mar: A series of block level training of trainers (ToT) programmes on ‘PRI-SHG-CBO convergence’ concluded here in Lower Subansiri district on Saturday.
The training programmes, which were conducted by the SIRD&PR in collaboration with the ArSRLM at Namsai, Sagalee and Yachuli, was aimed at training SHG leaders “for effective participation in preparation of GPDP-MVMDP and the gram sabha to strengthen the panchayati raj system and achieve the objectives of socioeconomic empowerment of rural population,” the SIRD&PR informed in a release.
The participants were apprised of the PRIs and the powers and functions of the gram sabha, and provided with an overview of the MGNREGA, the PMAY, the SBM and the NSAP.
“The groups learnt the process of preparing GPDP-MVMDP through PRA method,” the SIRD&PR said, adding that GPDPs-MVMDPs were prepared in all three venues at the end of the training programme.