DA dismantles illegal structures

ITANAGAR, 9 Jun: The Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) district administration on Thursday dismantled more than 40 temporary and semi-permanent structures in Gohpur Tinali and the ‘Tuesday market’ here.

Speaking to the media, Itanagar EAC Khoda Lhasa said that several complaints had been received regarding the construction of structures by the shopkeepers, including permanent and semi-permanent, near NH 415 in the Gohpur area.

ICR DC Talo Potom visited the areas and directed the shopkeepers to remove the structures to make way for parking spaces.

“It has been observed that some of the shopkeepers have constructed their shops on the CC footpath and drain, leaving no way for the pedestrians. The eviction was necessary to clear the illegal structures,” said Lhasa.

The EAC appealed to the residents of the ICR “not to obstruct the drainage system of roads, either on the national highway or in the colony, and give way for free flow of traffic movement and maintain the cleanliness.”

Chimpu-Gohpur Tinali Market Committee president Yorum Tari informed that every one fully cooperated with the administration during the eviction drive.

Meat vendors directed to move to designated markets

Meanwhile, the Doimukh administration has directed the vendors selling meat beside the highway and other unauthorised areas in Doimukh subdivision to shift to the designated markets by 12 June.

The designated markets are in Tigdo, Yupia, Khola Camp and Doimukh (main market).

Doimukh CO Mumne Borang made a public announcement on Thursday, informing the vendors about the order to move to the designated markets. The CO also directed cattle owners to restrict the movement of their cattle on the highway by 18 June.

“If the order is not adhered to by the stakeholders, then the licence and the meat shops in the unauthorised areas will be seized through a surprise visit,” the CO said.

She further said that, after 18 June, stray cattle impounded from the highway “will be auctioned after setting up a committee under the Doimukh administration.”