Two years as a DIPRO

[Nyatum Doke]

Two years have passed in a jiffy since the day I joined as a district information & public relations officer (DIPRO) after clearing APPSC 2017. Going back to the day when the results were declared, people, instead of congratulating, started saying, “CO milne se theek thha” (it would have been better if you had got a CO’s post), “Why didn’t you choose DSP?”, etc. Some people even asked “What exactly is DIPRO? What is the role of a DIPRO?” I had the same questions in mind. Also, once someone asked me, “Are you satisfied in the job or giving the exam again?” To that, I jokingly replied, “Two months back I was ready to even become a peon – now I am a Group A officer – do you think there is any reason for me not to be happy?”

After a month of haphazard induction training, I was posted to Longding – a place where the post of DIPRO was not yet sanctioned and was, therefore, devoid of manpower. I joined, and found that there was no office, no quarters, no manpower. To my great rescue, the then DC in-charge, Taga Ekke (EAC) helped me out. I carved out a chamber from one big unused room (now the VC room), got it painted and carpeted – it took nearly a month. Till then, I would move from chamber to chamber while my room was getting ready.

Then, I was trying to understand the role of a DIPRO – I observed that some people have a misconception that the role of a DIPRO “is very easy”, or “Aapka job toh Itanagar se bethke bhi ho jaega” (Your job can be done sitting in Itanagar, as well). Trust me, as I have understood now, it is not that simple. If someone thinks so, then he has misunderstood the job profile. It may not be the toughest job, but sometimes you are the driver, the photographer and videographer, then the reporter. Then you are the graphic designer, video editor – all in all. After official meetings, when everyone rests, our job starts, because we need to write and send the report by 8 pm. Adding to it, you don’t have the luxury to sleep in meetings as you can’t miss points.

The job of a DIPRO, apart from being the voice, ears and eyes of the district administration, as far as I have understood, has no set boundary and it’s a deadly combination of being an officer and an accredited journalist. If one is enthusiastic enough, he/she can write and evaluate different schemes and issues. However, for efficient performance we need efficient manpower and updated and state-of-the-art technology and systems, which we lack. I know, I am too naïve, and two years, though not short, are not too long either to make me an expert.

As the two years elapsed, things are getting better, and then I have had the opportunity of being a CO, an ARCS, a legal metrology officer, district tourism officer, DACO, labour & employment officer, etc. What I have realised in these two years of my service is that, whatever position or department one is posted in, one can definitely bring positive changes.

When I say change, what is change for me? Change for me is not about bringing big change, but the efforts that I made should make the smile of the people who visit me or interact with me a little brighter. Ultimately, everything we do should lead to public service and public good.

I sometimes tell my colleagues and juniors that public never visit us to scold or to fight but to get some help from us. I have always seen them coming with reverence and respect – so our duty should be to smile back, positively respond, and help them. As an officer, there is no dichotomy or a watertight compartmentalisation of providing public services.

As an officer, I am not concerned about my promotion as many keep telling me. My concern is about trying to help people in whatever way possible. My family sometimes mocks me, saying “Open an NGO” for social service, but I believe that’s what I am here for – to serve. Sometimes I am told that I should “stick to my job role.” To that I reply, “Anything that is not restricted by the law books or service rules can be done by anybody, if at all it is benefitting the society and not impugning on one’s job role.

The greatest gift of being an officer is not the luxurious chamber or the facilities or the power that one wields. For me, the greatest gift is the platform that one gets as an officer, because people respect our views, and the voice of an officer is valued by the public. So, using this platform, we can definitely bring little but important changes. However, things sound easy but are difficult.

For all those who are aspiring to be an officer, my suggestion would be that you should groom yourself for the place you wish to be in. Also, just clearing the exam and becoming and officer will not make all your problems disappear. In face, new challenges will emerge. Therefore, we should never forget our roots, stay grounded, learn to be compassionate, and imbibe the habit of walking the extra mile to bring a smile to someone’s face.

Lastly, coming back to role of a DIPRO, in this age of information, it has huge role to play in terms of dissemination of information and in terms of fighting misinformation and disinformation. However, there is a need to revamp the system of working, the attitude with which most of the govt department runs “managing somehow (kaam chalao jese tese)” needs to be shed. Proper planning and training, deputing efficient manpower at the district level to help the DIPRO would go a long way in bringing the incredible work and voice of our government to the people in more speedy and eloquent manner. (The writer is DIPRO, Longding)