Rash driving killing, injuring mithuns in Anjaw

Staff Reporter

HAWAI, 24 Aug: At least nine mithuns have been killed and several others have been injured so far in Dhanbari area in Manchal circle of Anjaw district due to reckless and rash driving of heavy trucks and dumpers, including Indian Army convoy trucks, claimed Chapapso Pul, a native of Hayuliang.

“It is sad and painful to see carcasses of mithuns lying on the newly-built highway between Hayuliang and Hawai on a daily basis. Dumper trucks, Army convoys, suppliers’ trucks, etc, are responsible for it. They are reckless drivers,” Pul said, and sought the district administration’s attention to the situation.

It is learnt that, ever since the highway was built and made operational, the number of accident-related deaths of mithuns is rising.

“Mithun is akin to gold for us (Mishmi). It is a symbol of wealth, health and prosperity,” Pul said, and added that “fatalities of mithun on the highway may have badly impacted the native villagers who are economically dependent on their mithuns.”

Pul further said that “there is no road safety signboard with the outline of a mithun to create awareness among the drivers.”

When contacted, Anjaw DC Talo Jerang said that the district administration has not received any report or complaint so far from any individual about the case.

The state does not have an NGO that records the data of cattle fatalities.