Govt yet to form new Child Rights Commission

Staff Reporter

ITANAGAR, 27 Sep: With the growing child molestation cases in the state, an inordinate delay in the constitution of a new team for the statutory body, Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (APSCPCR), has raised a serious question on Chief Minister Pema Khandu led government’s sincerity towards child rights.

It is reported that the tenure of the current APSCPCR team headed by Gumri Ringu, expired in August 2023. However, the department of women and child development (WCD) has been unable to constitute a new team for APSCPCR to date. The WCD had floated an NIT, inviting applications for seven posts, including one chairperson and six members of APSCPCR, on July 8th and set the deadline for the last date of filing applications on August 14th. The month has passed, but a new team has yet to be constituted.

“There are lots of child molestation cases being reported, which is a matter of grave concern, so the early constitution of the Child Rights Commission is needed,” said Kani Nada Maling, a child rights activist and president of the Arunachal Pradesh Women Welfare Society. Maling also added that the government should ensure that well-experienced social activists who are sensitized and well-versed in child rights are appointed as chairpersons and members of the commission. “The government must ensure that well-experienced social activists who are sensitized in the field of women and child rights are appointed for fair justice and deliverance,” she demanded.

Sources in the WCD have informed that the file has been submitted for the fixation of a date for the Committee to meet. Numerous applicants have reportedly been received, and the fixation of the Committee date to select and recommend is reportedly being awaited.