UK, India scientists to collaborate in astronomy, bio-imaging

New Delhi, 18 Oct: United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) has embarked on a collaboration with India’s Department of Atomic Energy to explore opportunities to set up super computing facilities to process data from the observations made by the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope.

The Science and Technology Facilities Council of the UKRI also announced initiatives to harness technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, bio-imaging and accelerator development to augment scientific research and have a tangible impact in areas such as cancer treatment.

“The challenge with Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is that it produces vast amounts of data and you have to apply super computing techniques to turn that data very rapidly into things that astronomers can use. That is an area where we intend to collaborate,” Mark Thomson, Executive Chairman of Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), told PTI at an event here to mark 15 years of the UKRI-India partnership.

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) said it is proud to have been associated with UKRI India since its inception.

“I am happy to note that this collaboration is being expanded beyond the engineering and physical sciences to fields as diverse as AI, machine learning, astrophysics, gravitational waves, bio-imaging and particle accelerator related technologies,” Arun Kumar Nayak, Head, Nuclear Controls and Planning Wing, DAE, said. (PTI)