RGU celebrates Soil Day at Chiputa

RONO HILLS, 6 Dec: The soil science & agricultural chemistry department of Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) here celebrated the World Soil Day on Tuesday at Chiputa village in Papum Pare district.

Over 100 participants, including the dean, agricultural sciences faculty members, heads of various departments, the GB of Chiputa, a host of farmers, and the 4th year BSc agriculture (honours) students attended the event, themed ‘Soil and water a source of life’.

Agricultural Sciences Dean Prof Sumpam Tangjang stressed on the importance of soil, describing it as “a living body,” and appealed to the gathering to “conserve soil for overall benefit of humankind.”

He also distributed bio-enhancers among the progressive farmers of the village.

The relevance of soil and water in today’s scenario was dwelt on by Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Head (i/c) Dr Samikhya Bhuyan, while Assistant Professor Dr Sagolshem Kalidas Singh demonstrated different sustainable nutrient management technologies in front of the farmers and the other attendees.

RGU VC Prof Saket Kushwaha in a message conveyed the significance of soil and water, “which” he said, “are the life and blood of agriculture and the bedrock of our sustenance.”

He added that “integration of sustainable agricultural methods, promoting soil conservation, and engaging in research that advances understanding of soil ecosystems will contribute to the global effort to preserve and protect this invaluable resource.”

Meanwhile, the Longding KVK, led by its Head (i/c) A Kirankumar Singh, celebrated the World Soil Day at Olingtong, Luaksim, Senua, Senua Noksa and Zedua villages on Tuesday.

During the programmes, Singh highlighted “the importance of soil and water for human life and crops,” and said that “the best example is Longding town itself for the shortage of water, which costs Re 1/litre.”

“Over and above, the importance of soil and water to be conserved for the future generation is the most valuable aspect which has to be taken care of for sustainable production and productivity of food crops as well as the fruits and vegetables,” he said, and stressed on the importance of soil testing and “the benefits of soil health card for sustainable management of soil fertility in the long run.”

Singh dwelt also on natural farming, and stressed the importance of “the role of desi cattle, which the villagers of Senua are rearing, which is the most important component of natural farming, which makes them the torchbearers in this aspect in Longding district as a whole,” the KVK informed in a release.