Reading of sacred Ka-gyur scripture

[ Prem Chetry ]

CHILLIPAM, 5 Mar: Marking the end of the annual Ka-gyur reading of 108 volumes, Kyabje Dungse Rigdzin Dorjee Rinpoche of the Sang Ngag Cheokhor Dargyeling monastery here in West Kameng district blessed hundreds of devotees from Kalaktang, Bhalukpong, Tenga, Rupa, Shergaon, Morshing, Bomdila and Dirang on Tuesday.

The rituals and prayers during Tse-wang signify renouncing

of greed, pride, hatred, and violence. The rituals are also believed to avert unforeseen disasters, natural calamities, and epidemics.

The reading of the sacred Ka-gyur scripture was held from 19 February to 3 March.

The ceremony included a series of prayers, meditation, rituals and sacred yidam and khandro monastic dances performed by monks and nuns.