Meeting on monsoon preparedness

TEZU, 14 May: The Lohit District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) convened a meeting here on Tuesday to discuss the district’s monsoon preparedness.

Deputy Commissioner Shashvat Saurabh, who chaired the meeting, highlighted the vulnerabilities of the district to multiple disasters, and spoke on the issue of waterlogging and flooding during monsoon season.

He directed the UD department and other agencies concerned to clean up the clogged drains from time to time, in order to avoid the issue of waterlogging in the township.

He said it should be ensured that all the government departments are fire-resilient, and that fire extinguishers and other necessary fire safety measures are in place.

He directed all HoDs to update the list of inventories in their respective departments, so as to ensure effective and efficient disaster preparedness.

He urged the DDMA members to be proactive and be prepared to mitigate any eventuality during the monsoon.

SP Tumme Amo delivered a presentation on the disaster preparedness of the police department.

Among others, Tezu ADC Kunal Yadav and all the members of the DDMA attended the meeting. (DIPRO)