Dialogue on agri action plan for Arunachal

TAWANG, 28 May: Pasighat (E/Siang)-based College of Agriculture (CoA) and the Tawang Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) jointly organised an interaction programme at Zomkhang Hall here on Tuesday to facilitate dialogue among farmers producers organisations (FPO) and state and central government officials to formulate an action plan for agriculture in Arunachal Pradesh.

The programme was inaugurated by Imphal (Manipur)-based Central Agriculture University (CAU) Vice-Chancellor Dr Anupam Mishra, and was attended by, among others, Tawang ADC Sang Khandu, Guwahati (Assam)-based ATARI Director Dr G Kadirvel, CoA Dean Dr AK Tripathi, CAU DEE Dr Ph Ranjit Sharma, senior scientists from various KVKs, representatives of FPOs, FPCs and SHGs, and farmers.

Addressing the gathering, Dr Mishra stressed on the importance of capacity building and financial literacy for FPOs, along with crop identification and seasonal produce to enhance income. He advocated “activation of decision support systems to facilitate proper marketing,” and proposed “introducing quality parameters for chemical profiling to improve marketability.”

Dr Mishra encouraged the farmers to “capitalise on your strengths, pursue off-season production for better income, and adopt sustainable farming practices.”

Khandu emphasised on organic farming and urged scientists to “study traditional methods and explore local wild fruits and vegetables for consumption.” He urged the local farmers to “dominate the local vegetable market with indigenous products.”

Dr Tripathi delivered a presentation on the border area development programme, and highlighted the CAU’s collaboration with FPOs in the border villages to empower them with scientific agricultural methods.

Dr Sharma, Dr Kadirvel, senior scientists, the DAOand the Tawang DHO also spoke, while directors and members of FPCs and FPOs shared their insights and experiences. (DIPRO)