ITANAGAR, 10 Jul: A total of 28 unattended, off roads vehicles were removed from the roads during a drive conducted by the Itanagar Capital Region district transport officer Techi Tukap and his team on Tuesday. Out of the 28, four unclaimed vehicles have been towed and seized.
The drive was conducted as per the direction of the ICR deputy commissioner Shweta Nagarkoti Mehta to remove all unattended vehicles, parked haphazardly along NH-415 and sector roads, which are obstructing the free flow of traffic.
The DTO had previously issued a notice on June 25 through various mediums, directing vehicle owners to remove their vehicles from roads and to move them to safer locations within seven days of the notice.
Some vehicle owners responded and removed their vehicles. Few unattended, off-road vehicles were subsequently removed, towed and seized and kept at the District Transport Office Complex Inter State Truck Terminal(ISTT) in Lekhi under section 201 of CMV Act 1988, informed the DTO.
The DTO has requested the vehicle owners to report to the DTO office at Lekhi at the earliest to claim their vehicles; “otherwise, the vehicles will be auctioned off following official procedures.”
The DC has repeatedly appealed to residents not to park their vehicles haphazardly, as it not only obstructs traffic flow, but also poses safety hazards for drivers and pedestrians, increasing the risk of accidents. She informed that the drive will continue in the coming days. (DIPRO)