Regressive actions against anti-dam activists is undemocratic

The NGO North East Human Rights (NEHR) alleged that the Upper Siang and Siang district administrations issued an order directing head goan burahs, gaon burahs and PRI leaders of their respective districts refrain from taking part in any form of protest or agitation against developmental activities. The order was issued at a time when the anti-dam protest was going on against the NHPC’s proposed balance geo-physical survey for the Siang hydropower project at Ditte Dime in Upper Siang district and Siang district. Issuing such kind of order is uncalled for in a democratic country. This is clear violation of fundamental rights.

Whenever anti-dam protests take place, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh always takes regressive action against protestors. In the past, we have seen how anti-dam activists were even branded as Maoists by the government in the state. In a democracy people have the right to dissent. Dams are a very sensitive issue. The people who will be affected by the construction of such mega dams have every right to protest. The authorities, instead of issuing such regressive orders, should have a dialogue with the protestors and try to address their concerns. This kind of anti-democratic act will only provoke citizens and make them harden against construction of dam.