With the stunning victory of the BJP for a second term at the Centre, hectic parleys have already begun for the formation of the new government before 3 June. President Ram Nath Kovind accepted the resignation of the union council of ministers headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Modi is expected to be elected by the newly elected NDA MPs as their leader on Saturday for the formation of new government.
In Arunachal Pradesh, amid reports of poll-related sporadic violence in some constituencies, the people of the state also gave the mandate to the BJP. This time, it is expected that the party, which got the people’s mandate to form the state government, will not face many hurdles in establishing a stable government for its full tenure.
We hope that the to-be-formed state government will come out with renewed zeal as a nascent state like Arunachal Pradesh is still lagging far behind in the developmental sphere, particularly the road infrastructure, education and health sectors, and that the government will give more priority to state and central government schemes which are beneficial to the people, particularly in the rural areas of the landlocked state.