NEW DELHI, Jul 19: Arunachal Pradesh Agriculture Minister Taki Taki called on union MoS for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare (AFW), Kailash Choudhury, here on Friday, and discussed Arunachal’s preparedness for formation of farmers-producers organizations in every district of the state, under the Chief Minister’s Krishi Samuh Yojana, during 2019-20.
Other important points which were discussed included framing a separate agri and allied policy with separate operational guidelines for implementing various centrally sponsored schemes in the Northeast states.
The MoS assured to provide full support for the development of agri and allied activities in Arunachal, and advocated periodical interactions among scientists, farmers and young entrepreneurs to create “a realistic approach towards improving production and ensuring better market linkages.”
Taki and Choudhury also discussed the matter of establishing a food processing unit in the state.