UN day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Dear Editor,
2 November is observed as International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists.
In this materialistic world where people are hankering over 3Ps – Power, Prosperity and Paisa indulging in every kind of malpractice, it is the 4th P- the Press which brings these malpractices to notice.
Often the spirited journalists pressurised by corporates and political bigwigs, boldly expose the injustice done to victims. But have to bear the brunt of humiliation, torture and imprisonment and even death. The recent murders of Gauri Lankesh and Shantanu shows that they paid a heavy price for the fundamental right of freedom of expression with their own lives.
Mahatma Gandhi said “Freedom of the press is a precious privilege that no country can forgo.”