Improve the road connectivity

The People’s Party of Arunachal (PPA) on Monday raised the critical issue of road connectivity. The lone regional party of state urged government to work towards improving the condition of road across the state. This is a timely reminder by PPA and hopefully state government has taken note of it. When Trans Arunachal Highway (TAH) project was announced it was expected to bring in revolutionary change in road sector. But to the utter disappointment of everyone TAH has not achieved the desire result.
The delay in land acquisition is believed to be one of the main causes for holding up of the projects. Government has not been able to tackle the compensation issue. In several stretches the compensation claim is too high because of which the projects have not moved ahead. State government need to address this issue on urgent basis. Also most of the road project under PMGSY has miserably failed in the state. All these point towards lack of willingness on the part of Government of Arunachal to speed up the road connectivity. For the better future of state the government will have to change their outlook towards connectivity issue. The development of any society is directly related to good road. Therefore state government should seriously work for the improvement of road condition in the state.