A true Christmas

Dear Editor,
It is time to say Merry Christmas. Also, it is time to remember the teachings of Jesus Christ. According to Mark 12:31, Jesus said, ~ “Love your neighbour as yourself.” This is the secrets of our survival. A machine is built by assembling separate parts. Thus, every mechanical part needs to cooperate with its neighbouring parts to ensure smooth running of a machine. If a part starts competing with its neighbouring parts then the machine will breakdown due to a mechanical failure. Not only does this condition hold good in the case of a machine, but also when it comes to a human body or a human society. This is a crucial factor to running of a system ~ be it a simple or a complex machine and be it a village or an urban society.
Recently, Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi has started a campaign called “100 million for 100 million”. Currently, almost 168 million or 10 per cent of the world’s population in 5 – 17 age group, are trapped in labour and over half of them are exposed to hazardous work all over the world. A famous song reminds us that we are the world, we are the children. But there are still more than 100 million children out of school. The idea of the campaign is to mobilize 100 million youth across the world for shaping a better future of 100 million less – privileged children. Indeed, it can usher in an ideal world. If everyone of us takes the responsibility of just one helpless child in our neighbouring locality then everyday in our calendar will truly be a real Merry Christmas!
Sujit De,


Dear Editor,
Christmas has come; the people are preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ which falls on Dec 25. People’s heads to nearest fashion store to buy the new Christmas clothes, shoes, gifts etc. The houses have erected stars with beautiful lighting.
The true meaning of Christmas is love. John 3:16-17 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love.
If you not love to others, means you are in half Christmas. The main celebration of Christmas is to love one another, have sympathy for the other, be honest, and forgiving. Our ability to love one another, to renew our faith and bring hope into our lives and others are the greatest of gifts to bestow and receive. Christmas is indeed a time for sharing. And yet the greatest gifts are not those wrapped in papers or dressed in colourful bows.
Let’s this Christmas be more meaningful- forgive others, love others, be honest, humble, help poor and down trodden people and be in the light. If all these points are not in your Christmas agenda/resolution, then it’s a sorry and hallow Christmas. It’s time for family get-together and to create new memories. Let’s hope for good beginning and it’s time of renewal, not only in a sense of religious traditions but those rooted to the spirituality of souls. A soul that has come full circle in its understanding of what Christmas means.
A.P. Chobin,
University of Madras